Monday, January 19, 2009

Céad Mìle Fàilte

My Irish ‘colleagues’ are in town for the week. I have been told that they are my colleagues and not bosses as we are all working towards a common goal.

Day 2 has just ended, with a formal dinner at the Ambassador’s residence and I think I’m finally getting my eye back on the ball. 

As one of  them said, “I wasn’t around for your interview, but they all went home with glowing comments about you. And I think I agree with them, now having gotten to know you.” 

There are undoubtedly tough times ahead. And new initiatives have to be explored. I need my ‘adventure’ spirit back. And these are heavy responsibilities that have now arrived at my table.

But I think I’d be able to put my head down and get on with it. They have afterall made me feel "One Hundred Thousand Welcomed." I could not possible let them down now can I?

“I have yet to find the man 
who did not do better work and 
put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval 
than under a spirit of criticism.”

Charles Schwab



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