Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's Not An Art!

“Every company should have a philanthropic segment in their annual budget,” says the opening lines of an article in our daily papers. 

While I applaud the writer for taking this line of thought, I cannot help but feel disgusted that corporate organizations should be subjected to “moral persuasions” by the Government, before they see the need to give.

Call me idealistic, but that is not how the way the world should be. People should not need to be persuaded to look after their own. It should be something that comes from the heart. Whatever little we have, we share – without having to be asked. For if we, who can think, do not look after our own kind, then who can we then rely on?

I know I tend to view the world thru rose-coloured glasses. But I also know that a vast majority of people go thru life, striving for things which at the end of the day, do not matter in the bigger scheme of things.

It should be everyone’s responsibility and vision to make the world a better place for EVERYONE ELSE, through the channels and means available to them. 

To create an icon that would evolve into an international brand name
within the merchandising industry starting with fashion apparels
and developing into other aspects of a lifestyle concept,
with the aim of benefiting our selected notable charity causes.

It should be everyone’s mission in life to make a difference in someone else’s life – be it monetary or experiential, big or small, using the skills and talents that they have been blessed with.

To create opportunities of “living, learning, discovering and experiencing”
in the lives of children suffering from cancer as well as physical disabilities,
through the provision of a sustainable source of additional funding,
AND a community that consistently share their time and talents.

Call me a simpleton. Call me idealistic.Call me whatever you want and I’d be fine with it. For I didn’t need no newspaper article to remind me that even though I am one, and I have nothing, I have always known that I need to look out for my own kind, even though I do not know them.

Author’s Note:
The vision and mission statements included in this piece are taken from the Billie business plan, which hopefully would come to life in the very near future.





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