Monday, June 11, 2007

Afternoon Tea Wishes

I just had my tea and biscuits. And the following thoughts popped into my head ~

I wished that I
  • Wasn't so nice to everyone
  • Didn't fear hurting people's feelings
  • Wasn't so emphatatic, that I end up looking pathetic
  • Could be bitter, and truly dark and twisted
  • Could have more guts to stand up for what I want
  • Dared to go after the dreams that seem out of reach to me
  • Was not invisible to the rest of the world

Maybe if the last wish did come true, I wouldn't need the rest of the wishes that came to mind this afternoon.

Author's Note:
I know that a lot of you think I have plenty of good stuff to be thankful for, instead of a wishlist spiked with bitterness. I promise you that I will write a Be Grateful list soon... But just not today.

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