Yesterday was just bad, Bad, BAD. Of course there was the whole hoola-bala to add to it in the night. But yes - I did not pop down to the shops and buy a pack of fags. I hugged the bottle instead *grin*
Nonetheless, it is Day 2 and you can bet your cute bottom that I am darn proud of myself.
Technically, all the carbon monoxide should be eliminated from my body as off now.
I should probably cut down on the cups of coffee ~ did you know non-smokers only need to drink half the coffee as smokers, to get the same amount of caffeine kicks?!
And I have saved RM 11.80 so far.

So yeah, it's all in my head.. and that is the one lesson that my god-pa has probably been trying to teach me thru this quit-smoking thingy. I have come to see now that his driver is not so much just for saving my life, but another way of him imparting to me the knowledge that I need to focus my thoughts, energy and determination to put aside the mental barriers that I put up for myself.
As I sit here at home, having my coffee and breakfast (yes, time saved from 2 fags equals to time to make and have breakie!), I shall remember the words of my SFM* ~ hang in there young padwan, for peek into the dark side you must not..
Crazy Horse (6/22/2007 11:57:51 PM): and barbs
Barbs Er (6/22/2007 11:57:55 PM): yeah
Crazy Horse (6/22/2007 11:58:00 PM): am proud of you...24 hrs ciggie free
Breathe deep, hug hard, live long,
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