Saturday, June 9, 2007

Un-rhyming Scribbles

I had actually just spent half an hour, crafting a piece, which should have a place here on Chemical Shooter for it contains thoughts from all 4 shooters in one. But that shall remain unpublished for it was written as food for thought, for one who is in need of some Mango Liquer.

However, as I ponder back on what I wrote, I realised that while I can speak of things that are simple, truthful and rationale, I do not always live by it. And that shall be what is shared today.

Once upon a time, I swore never to live my life by any other person's rules, except my own. While I may have tested the waters on that on more than one occasion, I AM still my own worse enemy, with the many great assumptions and expectations in my head.

Fortunately of-late, I think I am beginning to understand what that 16 year old meant then. And I am slowly shaping the ideals of a 16 year old into the life of a 32 year old.

Puppy says it's cos I no longer fear the need to be fiercely independent. I didn't say it then, but I would now. I fully agree.

Twas not the intent of the 16 year old to remain an island ~ she just didn't want to end up as one in a colony.

And the 32 year old understands that now.

And so, with acknowledgment, comes acceptance.

And with acceptance there must be responsibility.

Responsibility to ourself to live our lives as a book, waiting to be written and not as a book already published.

And that's all I've gotta say about that.


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