Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I have a lot that I want to write down and say. But nothing is coming out in the structured form that I want it to.

I suppose the most important thing I can say today is this:

I am fine.

I am walking tall.

I am at peace.

Maybe someday you will read about the story that's yet to be put into the written form.

A story of beautiful lies, walks in the rain, damaged souls and the great redemption by good friends who don't sit by and do nothing.

It would be a great tale to tell, when the right time comes.

One of courage, valour and honour. One of love, friendship and lives going by but persons staying on.

I'm being selfish by not sharing it with you. I should. For there would be no greater thing that you would have read from me, than this tale.

But not today. Just not today.

Today, it's all mine. All mine.

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