Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Growing up and standing tall

My dearest friend thinks he's finally grown up.

I don't think he has. In the sense that he's always been grown up, just in denial, that's all. I mean, among everyone I know, he's the most logical of us all. Wise beyond his years with so much to give. Focused and diligent. Maybe all he lacked was self-application. Cos he has it all inside of him.

And frankly, though I am younger than him by a good 14 months (ahem), I did so envy him and his ability to maintain his youthfulness. While I had riled him up endlessly about the people he sometimes associated with, it was an ability that I sometimes wished I had.

I wish him luck on this "process" of growing up. And I hope and pray to God that he remains untouched by all the things that grown ups deal with.

For while I maybe 14 months younger than he is... I feel as if I am 14 years older. And to lose that side of him in it all ~ whatever maturity and wisdom that this phase of his life will bring him, it will never compensate for such a loss.

And so, an ode...

May your days be filled with sunshine
and kisses and rainbows
May your nights be filled with joy
laughter and good friends
May the dark and twisted never come round
to form shadows in your life
May you grow old with continued respect
to life and your fellow man
Never laying a hand on those who are unworthy
And shooting only when necessary.

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