Never listen to anyone but yourself. Always go with your gut feel. That way, the only one who could kill you would be yourself.
Never depend on anyone for anything. Always live with what your own two hands and feet could provide. That way, you know if you fell,it's only cos of your own clumsiness.
Never trust anyone. Always live with the belief that everybody lies, big or small. That way when it really happens, you knew it was coming.
Never reach out. Always be by yourself for every moment in life. That way when you need someone, you're already there for yourself.
Never let anyone else be the cause of your smile. Always find the reason within yourself to bring out the smile. That way when it happens, you'll know that it wasn't the cause of someone else's kind act.
Never go to bed, looking forward to the next sunrise. Always expect that it'll be raining when you open your eyes next. That way, when it is raining, you won't feel sorry you missed the sunrise.
Never fall in love. Always believe that good magic like that happens only on the telly or to everyone else. That way you won't go around stabbing yourself in the back with a fork.
My blog is not sad.
I am sad. My life is sad.
Just go away and leave me alone to wallow with my fags and my vodka.
1 comment:
hey Barb..
Just want to leave my comments to your list of
of Never's
Never listen to anyone but yourself.-cos you are probably always right..don't waste time listening to others
Never depend on anyone for anything. -agree- better to just ORDER/ DEMAND things to get done - 'depending' is too vague - people just do not get it sometimes
Never trust anyone. - very true - there are no human beings in this entire world whom have never lie
Never reach out.- heck.. let them pull you - I don't need the 'stretch'!
Never let anyone else be the cause of your smile. - only when they do it to amuse you..:-)
Never go to bed, looking forward to the next sunrise.- looking forward for a rainy mornings- they are just great for sleeping in..
Never fall in love. - agree we should not fall in love, we should get in love ..
Been long..
Chonglee (your same old boring schoolmate)
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