Monday, October 15, 2007

Independance Low-down

I was asked one of the dumbest questions in recent weeks today. Why was I going into the office today, when it's still my day off?

Now it's stupid cos if anyone were to know me, as in really know me, would know that I was going in cos I have got no where else to do, no one else to be around with, nothing left to do.

It's a bit of a kick in the butt. To be asked that. By someone I had counted to be a close friend. I.E. Somebody who would know me and how I function. But it's turned out to be a kick in the butt cos alas - I guess my thoughts were wrong.

It just goes to show that in this day and age, it is so difficult to be a part of a circle. Which is probably why it's much better to be independant.

Independant people can go where they want, when they want.
They do not have to answer to anyone for where they want to be.
They can be seen with a different person each time, and it'll be alright.

Independant people can work as long as they want.
And they will rise faster than anyone else.
Cos there ain't nobody else to fall down for but themselves.

Independant people are the best people to have around.
They are always there when you need them.
And they never ask anything of you.

Independant people are the ones
Who will grow old and live in a far off place
By the sea with the nearest town being 50 miles away.

You will never see a letter or card from them
Nor hear their voice on the phone
For they know that it's not the place for them to be.

Call on them in your hour of need
And independant people are the ones
You can count on with your life.

But if you look closely enough
You will find what I have found
That independant people are truly broken people

A victim of circumstance
They have isolated themselves to the point
That they will never need you.

But on the reverse
Because they know what it is like to be in their shoes
They will do everything within their power
So you don't become like them.

Break a person often enough and this is what you get.

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