Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Alternate Realities

A week ago, the Bear wrote on his blog ~"My friend is in a lot of pain today and I know despite all, there is nothing I can do to help or soothe her pain. She is at a cross-road of whether she should continue on her current path which is without any heading, or does she stop and start on a new path."

I am sitting here and wondering would I be feeling any different today, if
that didn't happen.

And caving in is NOT AN OPTION simply because the song says this:

Cos I got time while he's got freedom
While I'm wide awake he's no trouble sleeping
Cos he's moved on while I'm still grieving

No... when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven... But that doesn't mean I don't get the option of walking tall, with my head held high and going on with a song.

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