Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Words Of The Day


Not hanging to the left, nor to the right. Suspended in some kind of time and space warp. Not sure what to do. Not sure if to do anything at all. Comes from assuming too many things, and clarifying nothing at all. 


Unqualified, ill-equipped to be able to accomplish certain tasks, goals, objectives. Unfamiliar territory, unmarked grounds. Wanting to give up, yet not willing to admit defeat. Challenged and trying to figure out how to get past it.


Coming up to a brick wall that seem to run for miles, with no end in sight. Wanting, needing, craving to move forward, yet stuck not by owner's choice. 

Maybe it's cos I'm feeling under the weather and fighting really hard to stay on top of things, on top of life. Trying very hard not to say out loud "I'm tired of all this." Trying very hard not to allow one stupid mistake to follow another. 

Anyhow, these are my words for today...What are your words for today... a Wednesday?

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