I once wrote a piece about independent people. But yet lately, I have been asking myself this question ~ How can some people go without ever needing anybody? What had happened in their life that made them think that the world would not miss their presence at all? And that people would not always be there, and therefore to rely on someone else is just not to be done. (Ooh - deja vu! *duh*)
Wake me up inside
I can’t wake up
I'm asking all this because I have been getting emails and text that provides a jist of what's going on, and ending with "I'll tell you when I see you." Which would be.. err.. WHEN pray tell?
Save me
Call my name and save me from the dark
If it's happy news, I can understand. But when the going gets tough - you let your safety-net catch your fall you dweeb!
Bid my blood to run
Before I come undone
Maybe it's cos I'm one of those people who would burst into a million pieces if something were to happen to me, and I had no where and no one to run to. But I have been fortunate cos my person(s) would always be there. And I suppose while there were not always this many, I at least had that 1 person in Mandy. So to come up against somewhere who is more damaged and twisted than I am - it's like bloody hitting a brick wall!
Save me from the nothing I’ve become
People shouldn't have to live like this. Seriously! They.Don't.Have.To.Live.This.Way!
I've been living a lie ~ there's nothing inside
I'm probably ranting cos it's *arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* and beyond!And it's probably not what I had expected. Not from the person who brought me back to life, to being among the living once again. And probably also cos I cannot believe that I didn't go with my gut feel and rationale (which for once both agreed on the same thing!) and chose to doubt.
Bring me to life
Whites was right - I so deserve a slap on the head from whichever snow-capped mountain he is on right now! And while he's at it, having a right-go at me, he might as well take a swag at this far too independent person as well so he could be brought back to life.
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