Surprise! Surprise ~ I am freaking pissed on an actual chemical shooter. Yups folks - went out and got sloshed like I thought I would. Except that the thought I had this afternoon was a lot more exciting than what actually happened.
But - it was fun! Seriously! I didn't think it would be. But it was!
I do know that when the sun rises in the morning - I do not want to be reminded about what went down my throat tonight. And the rest of it.
No, no, no - it's not what you, MY FRIENDS, are thinking. Barbsie didn't go do a 'Fuck-me-dead' thingy-ma-jic. *grin* Yeah! NOW aren't you proud of me? *wink* In fact, I didn't even go walk in the rain! Yups - you heard me. It was raining, not more than 2 feet away from me, and I didn't. Though I was very tempted to. And there were my brand of ciggies on the table and I wasn't even tempted to touch it *double grin*
Good Lord. I must be becoming boring! What the hell happened to me?
I think I'll go dance off the alcohol on my balcony. Naked.
Yeah. I think I shall do just that.
But before I do - seriously - it was fun. Good company, good laughs. Very unexpected. Only thing is next time - make sure I don't do a Shooter kays? *grin*
Good night world. Barbsie is off to bed with a big silly grin for no particular reason.
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