They say - when it rains, it pours. And I could not agree more than that today. For all the gung-ho crap that I spewed yesterday afternoon, I had to remove the "big chip" off my left shoulder when
- This damn food poisoning got so bad I was loiling in pain the whole night
- My car battery decides to die on me IN Section 14 AT 7.05 am
It didn't occur to me immediately though - to ask for help. Kinda sat at the mamak, staring at the WiNK mobile for a good 5 minutes, wondering if I should just leave it there, take a cab home, and worry about it tomorrow. That was until another bout of tummy craps sent me doubling over and wincing.
But yeah - it wasn't all that tough to start screaming help all across town to my boys once I came to my senses. And hey - they did come and they did help. If I hadn't been feeling so poorly, you'd be looking at a lot of photographs of my 2 boys - one in office wear and his trusty gloves, and the other looking like a shaggy dog that tumbled out of bed, poking their way under the car hood.
I suppose, in this day and age of fierce independence and every man for him / herself, I could have continued to sit the whole day at the mamak, staring at the WiNK-ster and no one would have been the wiser. And I wouldn't be able to fault anyone at that. Cos if I don't ask - I am never gonna to receive.
So yeah, sometimes the lectures are there for a reason. The *tsk* *tsk* *tsk* all serve a purpose.
Yeah - sometimes, there's just no escaping the fate of being duck confit.. especially when you know you damn well deserve it *grin*
Back to the loiling in pain.
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