Saturday, May 12, 2007

12-steps to heaven

al·co·hol·ism ~ noun

A chronic disorder characterized by

  1. dependence on alcohol,
  2. repeated excessive use of alcoholic beverages,
  3. the development of withdrawal symptoms on reducing or ceasing intake,
  4. morbidity that may include cirrhosis of the liver, and
  5. decreased ability to function socially and vocationally
It is interesting to read this definition of alcoholism cos it is a state that many of my close friends think I am in. Now, as I write this, I am not sure if they meant it in jest or as a warning. But either way, considering how it's Saturday night and each and everyone of them is out there, getting drunk - let's set the record straight.

Let's see.. the reasons why they have proclaimed me to be an alcoholic would be:

I drink a lot when I go out.
To put it in perspective, on an average night out, I would do between 5 to 8 units. Yes, 5 to 8 units. I know it's beyond the norm, but let's look at the frequency of this in a week and a month and you'll find that I'm doing less than you are.

I drink at home.
Now, this is a puzzlement. Afterall, if you're not comfortable doing something you do outside, at home, then it's not home.

I drink alone.
This is another puzzlement and the best one yet. To drink in a group, and to do shot after shot after shot just cos your friend edged you on to - it's not drinking. It's succumbing to peer pressure. And that's just stupid at our age. Anyways, I do enjoy a drink or two by myself as I let my thoughts swim around needlessly, aimlessly.

I sit and talk to the moon from my balcony when I drink.
Now, unless I have another adult, capable of grown-up communication with me.. or get a cat, I would think that talking to the moon is my best bet so far. I happened to be quite unfortunate in having an immense need to communicate how I feel and / or feeling, more than the average Joe. Be thankful - it's the moon and not you.

But to further substantiate my stand that I am not on my own 12-steps to heaven...

ad·dic·tion ~ noun

The state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.

My last alcoholic beverage was a bourbon coke with Grover last Friday. Now tell me - do I have a habit? Or you're just plain unable to reconcile this me that exists now and the me you once knew?!

And don't tell me that I'm in denial just cos my blog is named after an alcoholic beverage. Cos then it would really go to show, you don't know the me who is here and now.

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