Friday, May 11, 2007


co·quet ~ verb (used without object)

  1. to try to attract the attention and admiration of men for mere self-gratification; flirt
  2. to act without seriousness; trifle; dally.
These are strange times. Indeed it is. When grown people turn to mush and sputter sweet-nothings. When terms of endearments come flying in every email, text message and phone call. The world can't get stranger than it is right now for me.

What's happened to the world? Has it gone insane in this digital age? Is there no other way that civilization knows of but to act flirtatiously? With the opposite sex? With the same sex?

I am befuddled (that damn word again!)

And frankly, a teeny-wee-bit out of my elements.

I know what I'm doing and I know what my intentions are. What I do not know, are the intentions hidden out there. I dare not even go towards the light on this one.

Fingers, ears and toes crossed that the returning intentions are the same as mine.

Quite simply put - there are none.

Maybe Grover was right. I am self-destructive.

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