First and foremost, I never thought I would use those 2 words together, in a sentence, in a phrase, in anything, again. *grin* After yesterday and all that bad-ju-ju, it is full steam ahead for bright and shiny this week. So yeah - heck care if I used the 2nd word with "warm" being the adjective.
I just had a very non-Asian lunch hour. Headed out to KLCC, bought meself a box of salad (cold chick pasta with apples!), a bottle of mineral water, trashy novel tucked under arm. Seeing how it was 12 noon and with today's temperature being about 31 Degrees Celcius or so, I was about the only person sitting at the fountain area.
Heck care if everyone who walked past galked at me. I was comfy, having a good lunch and enjoying my book. It was a break in the day that was much appreciated. To feel the warmth from the sunshine after being stuck in an air-cond room for the whole day is something that a lot of us have forgotten. All we do these days is bitch about how hot it is.
So trust me on this one - Heat.Is.Good.
And to add to it, in coming back to the office, I had a lovely email waiting for me from a big white guy named Thomas. Here's an excerpt of it:
I guess that everything must come to an end and for whatever reason you decided to jump over the fence and taste the greener grass, I will miss you.
Raised eyebrows? *hahaha* Don't get carried away now for it goes on to say...
Every year about May/June I have the difficult task to find hostschools and organize our school trips, but you have for the last few years made that job very easy and enjoyable. For that I will miss you even more.
Well, what can I say... when the going gets tough, the girl gets going *wink* Or for some boys, they get the wheelbarrow.
Have a good day y'all!
10 SEC READ The gift of insults
2 years ago
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