Tuesday, May 8, 2007


There's a witchhunt going down in the human resources department. Right now, looks like I'm the one who is gonna be dragged to the stakes. Why? Cos communication broke down, terminologies didn't have definitions, and I'm the one who is pushing things to move.

I know. It is expected. It has been expected. Yet, I am on the verge of bursting out of here and going on a long drive to nowhere.

Frustrations are running very high. No one has a congruent sense of urgency.

To put it into context, you have 1 set of people who are being paid to each specifically deal with 1 vertical task. And you have another set of people who are so short-handed, they are moving vertically and horizontal at a break-neck pace.

Politics is the name of the game these days. And not to say that I'm not well-versed at it.

I just did not expect it to be as such ~ at such a place and level.

I think I am more disappointed and resigned than angry and ranting.

When it gets such, one can only hope that the job pays enough to stomach it all.

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